Fee Information

​​​​​​​​​Associated Documents:

​​​School Fees are set annually, in consultation with Brisbane Catholic Education and the Principal as part of the process of setting a yearly budget.  They are also endorsed by the Parish Finance Council and the School Pastoral Board.  Our School Fees take into account the priorities highlighted within our School Renewal Plan and the fee and levy recommendations from the Catholic Education Council for the 2024 school year.

As St Joseph's is a Parish School within the Archdiocesan Catholic Education system, no one is ever turned away through inability to pay.  Special consideration is available for families with financial difficulties and arrangements can be made with the School Principal.  Fees are payable per term and accounts will be emailed home at the beginning of each term.  

Families may wish to make a voluntary contribution to a 100% tax deductable School Building Fund and/or School Library Fund.  A tax receipt will be emailed at the beginning of July each year.

St Joseph's School Fee Policy can be viewed here​.