Vision & Mission Statement


Enlivened by the Gospel and our rich Catholic story

we are an inclusive and welcoming learning community

who act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly.

Committ​ed to enriching and transforming the lives of all

through engaging and inspirational learning,

we strive to make a positive different in our world.


Inspired by the love of God revealed in Jesus at St Joseph's School:

We honour the past, by embracing the spirit of our Catholic heritage and the legacy of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

We celebrate the present, by nuturing the faith, spirituality and wellbeing of all in our community.  We foster resilience and engage in high quality teaching and learning to build a culture of success for all.

We inspire the future, by growing a vision of hope, a spirit of joy, an appreciation of others and a willingness to serve.


We embrace the words of the Prophet Micah (6:8), living these core values that we continue to live today:


Try to keep God with us by charity of thought, word and act.  Mary MacKillop (Sept 1890)


The love of the heart of Jesus will be our light, our strength, justice and support.  Jules Chevalier


With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.  Ephesians 4:2


In the face of unjust and painful situations, faith brings us the light which scatters the darkness.  Pope Francis. (Sept 2015)

Our Story

St Joseph's School community acknowledges the Yugerra and Turrbul peoples, who have walked and cared for this Country where life has been sustained for many thousands of years.  We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.  As we move towards as a reconciled Australia, let us remember we are one in land, in spirit and in community...

We continue to build on the foundations of those who have walked before us.  We honour the richness of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, whose values are embedded in our school.  We commit to follow their example, educating in the Catholic tradition.  Inspired by St Joseph and our founders, Jules Chevalier, Marie Louise Hartzer and Mother Chanel Bergin, we continue the story of St Joseph's School.

We acknowledge the valuable contributions that families, parishioners, teachers, and staff have made since 1917, which have been instrumental in shaping our school into the exceptional institution it is today.


©​Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's Primary School Corinda (2023)