School Hours
| First bell rings. All students are to be at school.
| School commences
10.30am - 11.10am
| Lunch break
1.40pm - 2.00pm
| Afternoon tea break
| School concludes
Please note:
Teachers DO NOT commence playground supervision in the morning until 8.15am. No students are to arrive at school before 8am. Students are to sit in the undercover area until 8.15am when supervision commences..
From 3.15 pm students still in the school grounds are to sit outside the main office until collected by parents.
While teachers are often on the school grounds and engaged in a variety of school related tasks and activities well before and after school times, it cannot be assumed that they are providing formal supervision of the children.
Pick-up and Drop-off zones
There are two drop-off zones, one on Clewley Street and one on Martindale Street. Both of these streets have crossings which are manned before school between 7.45am and 8.45am and after school between 2.50pm and 3.20pm by a School Crossing Supervisor employed by the Department of Transport.
At 3.15pm any remaining students are taken from the pick-up zone waiting area to the waiting area outside the office.