Enhancing skills and fitness

Health and Physical Education (HPE) at St Joseph's reflects the complex nature of health and recognises the significance of physical activity in the lives of individuals and groups provides a foundation for developing active and informed members of society, capable of managing the interactions between themselves and their social, cultural and physical environments in the pursuit of good health.
HPE at St Joseph’s encompasses 3 major learning areas:
- Promoting the Health of Individuals in Society
- Developing Skills for Physical Activity
- Enhancing Personal Development
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's Primary School Corinda (2023)
Each area is carried out in an integrated manner, both inside and outside the classroom environment.
Students are encouraged to participate in these areas and wider opportunities are made available through various other avenues such as Interschool Sport and Intra School Competition.
Lower primary classes participate in a motor skills program that develops students’ abilities to perform basic body movements including jumping, catching, throwing, hopping and balancing. These skills form the basis of the activities required for sports and games played by the middle and upper primary classes.
As part of the school HPE program St Joseph’s participates in Interschool carnivals. These include:
- Athletics (Prep to Year 6);
- Swimming (Prep to Year 6);
- Cross Country (Prep to Year 6);
- Motor Program (Yrs 1 and 2);
- Soccer, Netball, Cricket, and Touch Football (Yrs 4-6)
The major Physical Education areas available to class groups are:
- Swimming – survival, stroke correction, competition (Prep to Year 6); Zone competition 5 – 6
- Cross Country (Prep to Year 6); Zone competition 4 – 6
- Track and Field skills 4 – 6, Zone competition 4 – 6
- Perceptual Motor Program 1 - 4
- Inter-house Competition (Prep to Year 6);
- Gym Skills 1 - 3
- Dance (Prep to Year 6);
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's Primary School Corinda (2023)
Camp program for Years 5 – 6 with canoeing, walking, ropes course, abseiling, orienteering, archery, group initiatives, trust games, environmental protection, setting-up camp as well as forming attitudes in co-operation, working together, tolerance and independence.